Thursday, March 25, 2010

Workshop Session

Hi Guys - hopefully you got something out of the workshop. I've stuck up all the blogs I could find. I'm guessing that quite a few people haven't actually followed the instructions about web addresses.

No matter - if you are reading this and your Blog is not listed on the right, make a comment on this page (click on comments). That will give me your Blog address and I'll put it up on the list.

Go and have a read of everyone's Blogs and make a few comments. I'm going to carry on with this blog (I'll try and get something up every couple of weeks) and I'll write a journal of my development as a teacher who utilises ICT. I may have taken a workshop but I'm definitely not that far (if at all) in front of you guys. Check it out in the future and we may be able to get some collaborations going.

1 comment:

  1. This is pretty amazing stuff really. Yes I'm into it, ahve done research, got many tabs open and am trying to keep track of where I'm at. I've added to my blog, and can now see the point of it. I'll add stuff as I find it out, partly as a record for myself, because it is a new journey, but partly because if everyone is experimenting and blogging, then I've got to benefit eh. Thanks Dave, I've found lots of education and maths stuff that I might have found the long way later. is fascinating and I've been writing about that. Feel a bit like the white rabbit, but in a hurry to find out more...
